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Cost Per MPH

To: LSR <>
Subject: Cost Per MPH
From: drmayf <>
Date: Fri, 04 May 2007 12:02:11 -0700
In a reply to Malcolm, I figured up my cost per mph based on total car 
costs and top speed attained. This sounds interesting to me, as the 
aircraft manufacturers had a book filled with what things cost and 
weigh. In the 60's we used this to scope out the cost of complex 
projects. I think this would be interesting if any of you who have 
nothing real important to do, could sit down and figure your car or 
biike costs to date, excluding manhours, and then dividing that by the 
fastest top speed attained. This would be non recurring costs and would 
not include things like trailers, hotel rooms, etc. Just the car costs 
to date (or bike). If you would shoot me the number, (I don't want your 
actual costs or mph just the factor,)  and the motor class and vehicle 
class, I will complie and put it on the web site or maybe Jon's site. 
That way some one could look at a record and get a close approximation 
as to how much it is gonna cost him/her in components to attack that 
speed.  If you include the  year the speed was run then I could also 
figure in the cost of money and normalize it back to some reference date.



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