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Date: Fri, 5 May 1995 9:14:00 -0500 (CDT)
The reputation of John Twist is well known among most of us, so this 
message is really directed to the uninformed minority.

I have already thanked John privately for his willingness to share his
expertise and his continued support of those of us who want to maintain our
quirky British cars. The eagerness with which he answers questions,
formerly by phone and now via email, is almost unknown among the masses in
his profession.  

We are truly blessed to have available someone with the technical knowledge 
and expertise of John Twist.  

There are obviously some who have not yet learned of the advantages of 
having such an expert available, and may say some things out of turn,
for example: (BeerIsKing) wrote:
>       Perhaps if MR JOHN H TWIST wishes to do business, he can mail 
>replies individually, rather then to the whole list.

I think the above statement was made with the assumption that Mr Twist had 
some ulterior business motive in promoting his TECHNICAL BOOK; certainly 
this is not the case!  John is only asking $16, POSTAGE PAID, for the book.
I've paid more than this for a flimsy plastic bifflesnap for the 
lorgwhacker on my MGB, and then I had to pay postage on top of that!  And 
John's promotion of his book was only AFTER he had offered free consulting 
in the message he wrote.

Consider the following:

>From John Twist:
>The MG Engines (and cylinder heads) provided under the factory GOLD SEAL
>and SILVER SEAL programmes were prefaced by 48G.  Send me the WHOLE number
>and I'll give you the detail (if I have it in my library).  

John just offered to provide DETAILED INFORMATION for someone, ABSOLUTELY
FREE.  It's not like he's doing this in his spare time, either - this
information is part of his livelihood. Unlike most of the rest of us on
this list, he makes a living out of servicing British cars.  I suggest that 
we treat his friendship and correspondence with utmost care.

OK, I feel better now.


Lee M. Daniels   Laboratory for Molecular Structure and Bonding   Texas A&M            (409) 845-3726          Fax (409) 845-9351
 '74 TR6  '76 MGB

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