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Re: Canned Spray Paint

Subject: Re: Canned Spray Paint
From: Yong-gon Chon <>
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 1996 07:46:16 -0500 (EST)
On Sun, 18 Feb 1996, Robert J. Donahue wrote:

> On a totally unrelated matter, is it possible to attach pictures to these
> e-mails (like jpegs)? For those with access to scanners, it would be very
> convenient for illustrating how some gizmo on the car goes together. A picture
> is worth a thousand words. Of course pictures are big memory (and bandwidth)
> hogs. It may not be appropriate to post something that  big on the mailing
> list.
Yes it's possible to attach jpegs, gifs, tifs, mpegs, and any other 
computer file to an email.  However, I wouldn't suggest posting it to a 
listserv.  Just think about the amount of system resources.  Taking a 
simple 100K file and expanding it hundreds of times due to every user 
subscribed to the mailing list.  People would not be happy.
Easiest thing to do would be to put your pictures up on a web page and 
for those that want to see your images...give them the URL.

Yoda :)

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