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Re: Batteries

Subject: Re: Batteries
Date: Fri, 24 May 96 09:55:49 PST
     In regards to the question of 6V batteries vs. 12V:
     I've owned two MG's; one had the 6V system, and my current one has the 
     12V system.  I love* my 12V.  It feels so strong compared to the 6V 
     that if I run out of gas someday I might just drive it the last half 
     mile on the starter. <g>
     When I had the 6V system, I had to constantly check specific gravity 
     and trickle charge them in the winter to make them work.  From what 
     I'm reading on the list, I must admit it seems I had more trouble with 
     the 6V then some, so perhaps I should have replaced them.  Oh well, it 
     was* my first MG...
                                Michael Lytton
                                1970 MGB "Stinger"

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