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re:NAMGBR and AMGBA\Rivalry\what's the problem?

Subject: re:NAMGBR and AMGBA\Rivalry\what's the problem?
Date: Mon, 8 Jul 1996 17:45:30 PT
>I wrote an article "This will B the last MG, I promise" and submitted 
>it to both. I will tell you I sent it to one first but when it did not 
>appear after 2 issues I sent it to the other thinking the first was 
>uninterested. Low and behold they both printed it and with in 3 weeks 

Sounds like you need to get a copy of their Writer's Guidlines for 
submission of articles.  There's a book you probably know of called 
Writer's Digest (I think that's the name) that covers all sorts of 
submission guidelines.

That, or include a letter stating that if you don't get an acceptance from 
them within a specified length of time you will be submitting the article 
to other prospects.  Of course, when they see the deadline they will 
probably just deposit the article in the nearest bin unless they REALLY 
need it.

Probably the best thing to do would be to only submit each article to one 
source granting them exclusive 90 (or 180, or 360) day rights to the 

Of course, you probably know all this already and are just venting off some 
steam.  I don't think it is really a rivalry between the clubs, probably 
just concerns about copyright and license rights between their 
publications.  And this brings us to the legal arena where I'll duck and 
run seeings as how I've never been officially published.


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