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To: "MG Mailing List" <>
Subject: AOL
From: "David Littlefield" <>
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 1996 18:37:04 -0600
Len Bugel wrote:

>We should ALL, aol and non-aol alike, grow up! Mark has done a hell of a
>job, and made fine resources available to us, at no charge, for a long
>time. Let's play by his rules - it's his ball!

Here, here!  Whatta buncha cry-babies.  If getting the list in digest form
versus the regular way is enough to cause you to pick up your toys out of
the sandbox and go home, then who is the immature one?  I've been getting
the digest (by choice) ever since I subscribed and I don't feel my life is
severely impacted by participating this way.

If you choose to use a service that screws up the efficiency of the list,
then it ain't anybody else's fault.  I just hope this message gets to those
defecting before they unsubscribe and cut off their noses to spite their
own faces.

Now let's get back to MG's, damit!  If I wanted to hear this crap, I would
have subscribed to a Kindergarten list.

David Littlefield
Houston, TX

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