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Re: Unable to resist MAC/PC scuffle

To: "Lane Rollins" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Unable to resist MAC/PC scuffle
From: "Kai Radicke" <>
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 1997 14:56:28 -0500
Ok, I am a little late with this but:

PCs are great for heavy duty text work, and I find MACs more useful for
graphics work.  The PowerMAC is great at graphics and faster at them then
PCs (the new Pentium MMX chip may make this statement untrue).  I use
PhotoShop on a MAC and it flies, but when I use it on my PC, well it is a
little slower.

The bottom line is, MACs have their niches and PCs have their niches.  It
isn't really a matter of which is better, but of what the end-user likes

I like my PC better than any MAC I ever used.  

Kai M. Radicke --
1966 MGB --

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