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"The Healey Story"

Subject: "The Healey Story"
From: Mark Allen <>
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 15:08:25 -0800
Hi all,

We've received lots of requests for information on The Austin-Healey Club's
offer of a free shirt with the purchase of the new Geoffrey Healey book
from folks who have email, but not access to the web page. So, here's the

"The Healey Story"  is $25.95.  With each book purchase you get your choice
of either a free polo or sweat shirt with the logo of the '95 West Coast
Meet, which features a likeness of Geoffrey Healey.  Specify which type of
shirt you want, and your size.  Since quantities are limited we may not
have all sizes available, so we will work get as close as we can.

For an additonal $5.00 we will throw in a grill badge, also from the '95 Meet.

Shipping and handling is $6.00 per order.  California residents add sales tax.

Let us know where you would like your shipped, and you phone number if we
need to ask you a question.

We can accept: checks, money orders, Visa or MasterCard.  With credit card
orders include the number, expiration date and signature.

You can send your order to:

Austin-Healey Regalia
PO Box 2404
Castro Valley, CA  94546-0404

or fax to 510-846-7544

You will find an order form to print on the Austin-Healey Club web site at:

Please accept my apology if this sounds too much like advertising on the
net.  The Austin-Healey Club is a non-profit organization.  Our only goal
here is to have FUN!


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