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Re: Paint choices

Subject: Re: Paint choices
Date: Mon, 23 Jun 1997 12:47:54 EDT
 You might be on to something. I had a white, rubber-bumper MGB for
several years and was rear-ended twice in it, both times at a stop sign.
I assumed that it was because the drivers following me were unaccustomed
to those strange, red, octagonal signs with four-letter words on them,
but it could well have been the color.
  My present B is a red GT, chrome bumper. Fearful of the closeness of
following vehicles, I installed a second two-filament light socket in the
flat, chromed area under the turn signal. Now there is the original
tail-light shining dimly at the top, the original turn signal flashing in
the center, and my new tail-light shining much brighter and more diffused
at the bottom; the brakes have two lights. I feel much more secure.
  My TD is a beige color, with a red grill. This is truly the invisible
car. With some sound  absorbent padding under the bonnet and a better
muffler, this car could sneak up on anyone even with its headlights on.
In a 200 mile trip yesterday with six other cars, in the 50 miles of the
trek that I lead, I had to take hard evasive action on three
occasions--horns, brakes and swerve to the left.  Perhaps it's the color,
the tall, narrow profile, or some things more, but it does lead one to a
healthy feeling of road paranoia.
Bob Howard
On Mon, 23 Jun 1997 09:20:07 -0700 Ross MacPherson
<> writes:
>At 08:47 AM 6/23/97 EDT, you wrote:
>> ', white is to hide body work,  
>>If white is done right, and I mean many rounds of flat sanding, it 
>>shine like the proverbial diamond in a goat's ass.  I am not much of 
>>fan of red cars, and just sold a great black MGB, but white is 
>>The nice thing about it is that very few people try it.  I used PPG 
>>white for my V8 project and it turned out great.  Yes, I can see cans 
>>the garage but my favorite is parking lot lines.  If the lines are
>>straight on the car, even through the shut lines, then all is well w/ 
>>Larry Dickstein
>White not only hides body work, in my experience it causes it.  
>I've had four white cars (3 lbc, 1 truck) and ALL of them were totaled 
>some driver who claimed " I never saw you!" plowed into me.  In three 
>I was stopped at a light or intersection. I'll never buy another white
>vehicle.  I don't know why but they seem to become invisible under 
>   ___        \______                  Ross MacPherson 
>  / __ \ __ /       /------|)
>/  (___)---------/ (___)       Vancouver, BC, Canada
> 1947 MG-TC 3528               1966 MGB-GT   

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