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Re: Leaf Springs

To: David Stecher <>
Subject: Re: Leaf Springs
From: Robert Allen <>
Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 00:10:15 +0100
David Stecher wrote:
> Hello,
> 1)  I have the right side leaf almost off.  The only thing holding it to the
> body of the car is the front bolt.  I have the nut off, the bolt spins freely
> but refuses to be backed, beaten, pulled, or pried out.  Any help?  Do I need
> to cut this to get it out?  I have a new bolt if that helps.
> 2)  I tried to remove the shock link from the bottom shock bracket/plate (this
> is on the left side) .  When I try to remove the nut the threaded part of the
> link spins also.  I have tried to hold that part with Vise Grips but no help.
> Does this mean I need a new shock link?  Will I have to cut this one also?

Well, you missed Father's Day. How close is it to your birthday?

I have also encountered the problems you describe. I am now (and have
been for awhile)  a very satisfied owner of a 4 inch mini-grinder. These
little jewels take a thin 4 inch cutting (and/or ginding) wheel and spin
it up to 10,000 RPM. They make a helacious racket but there is nothing
better for cutting through such problems as you are having.

Just remember to cut off the peices you were going to replace anyway.
And wear gloves and safety glasses.

I had to cut the bolts off to drop the front leaf spring bolt and also
to undue some shocks. It saves hours and hours of time and alcohol.

The one I got is a Makita. I would have prefered USA made but, alas,
there seems to be nothing competitive.

Bob Allen, Kansas City, '69CGT, '75TR6, '61Elva

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