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Re: Turn Signal problem

Subject: Re: Turn Signal problem
From: (Larry Dickstein)
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 19:49:34 EST
        In any electrical problem, except a fire, the first thing to
check is the grounds.  You almost never have a problem, as described,
that is not a bad ground and/or corroded connector.  I'd start w/ the
four way flasher and circuit.  Oddly, a lot of stuff goes through that
circuit, including the turn signals.

Larry Dickstein

There is no problem that cannot be solved
with either a checkbook or high explosives.

On Mon, 24 Nov 1997 21:39:47 -0500 "Tom Reichard" <>
>If the bulbs are good, the flasher is good, the switch is good and the
>wiring is good, then the turn signal ought to flash, right? Wrong. The
>singal lights, both front and rear, come on, but don't flash. (On the 
>side only. The left side flashes fine.) Since the lights are coming 
>on, I
>know the bulbs, wiring, and turn signal switch is good. Since the 
>side flashes, I know the flasher is good. What am I missing???

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