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Re: Technical Adventures

Subject: Re: Technical Adventures
From: (Rick Morrison)
Date: Tue, 06 Jan 1998 20:47:45 EST

On Mon, 5 Jan 1998 15:36:01 +0000 "Csaba Rohodi" <>
>Happy New Year to everybody!!!
>I wrote this letter, because I think that I have few interesting 
>technical ideas, and I would like to know that what are your 
>opinion of these.
>In this letter I would like to sending for you a short information 
>sheet from my one ideas, which is a "Variable Valve Gear".
>I would like to enumerate those mechanical components in this place 
>whiches are in this mechanism, that you can understand the working:
>2.:Camshaft with the induction valves. =3D  I.Camshaft
>3.:Camshaft with the exhaust valves. =3D E.Camshaft
>4.:Timing belts (or timing chains)
>5.:Timing belt tensioner with a spring. =3D S.Tensioner
>6.:Timing belt tensioner with a electric servo motor. =3D E.Tensioner
>In this engine conception is two camshafts. One camshaft with the 
>induction valves and the other camshaft with the exhaust valves.
>Between the crankshaft and the I.Camshaft is one timing belt, and 
>between the crankshaft and the E.Camshaft is the other timing belt.
>One timing belt has two side when the engine working: the strech side 
>and the slack side. If we see one timing belt's mechanism then is one 
>E.Tensioner on the strech side, and is one S.Tensioner on the slack 
>side. The E.Tensioner has a self locking screw  worm drive (or double 
>worm drive) between the tensioner and the electric servo motor.
>If we see one moment when the engine working, and in this moment the
>crankshaft is on the Top Dead Centre (TDC) then the mechanism can 
>regulate the valve timing circle with the servo motor's moving.
>When we strech the timing belt on the strech side with the servo 
>motor then we can regulate the camshaft position and with this we can 
>regulate the engine's gas exchange process.
>>From this mechanism is one on the E.Camshaft's timing belt and is 
>other one on the I.Camshaft's timing belt too, and therefore with 
>this possible to  regulate the gas exchange process at the  induction 
>valves and at the  exhaust valves too. Instead of the electric servo 
>motor possible to use a hidraulic-mechanic  mechanism too. I think 
>that this has few advantage, but in a prototype better the electronic 
>system because this can see more degrees on the engine's revolution, 
>and because in this are few potentiometer whiches with possible to 
>adjust that places on the revolution where the servo motor=B4s moving 
>going to put on, and with this possible to regulate the servo 
>deflection's size in one degrees. (Possible to use 8-16 of degrees.)
>(From this Electric Control Circuit  I have a circuit diagram plan.)
>With this ideas first I tried to find for myself a job at 1996, 
>but the "Variable Valve Gear" was the single idea from which I sent 
>confidential details for car factories and for other peoples. 
>I gived for they that my offer that if a factory or a people can 
>give for me a whatever work in abroad than I going to give all my 
>ideas for that factory or for that people.
>Therefore I would like to sending for you a list from my ten as ideas 
>whiches I can give for you, if you can give me something work:
>I want to declare that those ideas whiches over I dispose borned
>in my own head and I didn't use nothing illegal method when I made
>these. These ideas don=B4t have patents to the best of my knowledge.
>1. -I found a mechanism which with possible to built the "Variable
>Valve Gear" without electrical construction. This hidraulic-mechanic
>mechanism is a control unit which can see chiefly the engine's
>revolution. This is for that reason important because the electric
>servo motor get very big loading in the electrical construction.
>2. -I have a air-conditional plan which has very small energy 
>consuption and manufacturing expenses.
>3. -I have a valve mechanism which usable only in very big engines and
>which can open and close the valves quicklier than a camshaft. This
>usable if a engine has small revolution.
>4. -I have a economiser plan which with possible to save up about 1O%
>diesel oil or petrol. In this plan are a special fuel injector plan
>and a special engine working plan.
>5. -I have a cylinder head plan which has very smaller energy 
>consuption than a traditional cylinder head.
>6. -I have a very simple idea which with possible to reduce the 
>attrition on the cylinder wall.
>7. -I have a cylinder head plan which with possible to operate the
>engine than a two-stroke engine or than a four-stroke engine. Between
>the two system don't have to stop the engine. This is for that reason
>important because if have to use big wattage then possible to turn on
>the two-stroke system when the car run.
>8. -I have a wheel suspension plan.
>9. -I have a plan which with possible to reduce the engine's fray when
>is the engine's start.
>10. -In this last paragraph are three small idea whiches aren't very
>difficult and expensive ideas, but with they possible to do fashion
>for a type of car.  etc.
>Please study my letter and if you show interest in my offer, and you 
>can help me that I can faind a whatever job or work than please get 
>in touch with me. 
>If you don't can help me but you know somebody who perhaps show 
>interest in my offer,than please send for me that people's address.
>Thank you very much.
>Very truly yours: Csaba Rohodi
>Address:       Rohodi Csaba
>               Berettyoujfalu
>               Csikasz u.2.
>               4100.
>               HUNGARY

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