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Re: New owner joining the list

Subject: Re: New owner joining the list
From: Rick Brown <>
Date: Sat, 30 May 1998 23:44:16 -0400 wrote:
> Hey folks
> Thrilling news for me!!! I just made a deal with a guy to buy his '62 MGA!
> I'm so happy to be getting back into a British marque.
> I'll be telling more when I pick up the car on Tuesday or so... but I hope
> you guys remember the feeling and can bear with a "9 year old on Christmas
> morning" type.
> Over the years I've had a TR3 small mouth that never ran, but I was just 18
> and HAD to have this toy... I bought it back then for $50 and sold it a
> year later for $60, possibly making me the highest known profit on a
> resale... 20%, with no other investment. That was in 1972. Then I had a
> Sprite which I ran into the ground over a two year period, but had the time
> of my life.  Marraige got in the way of car pleasure, but after that was
> over I bought a gorgeous cream-colored Fiat Spyder Turbo 2000 which I drove
> from NJ to Maine, then to Florida, zig-zagged across to Ca, where I stayed
> for 6 months, then up to Washington, and back across to NJ... a year long
> trip that was totally fantastic. It only ate one turbo in the whole time...
> earlier turbo's liked to idle/cool-down for a minimum of 10 minutes when
> hot before shutting down... try THAT every time you pull into your
> driveway. Finally, after several enjoyable years, I sold it in favor of a
> Celica (please hold the hissing, thanks).  Now, after ten years of longing,
> I'm back in the saddle... or will be come Tuesday.
> The MGA is in terrific condition, Fire engine red, no rust, new floors,
> chrome wires with good bias plys, great black leather, discs, non-synch,
> aftermarket electronic ignition installed, lots of new stuff (battery,
> dashpad,) and on and on...  I honestly wanted a car that was a close to
> cream puff as possible.  I'm happy with the idea of regular maintenance,
> but don't want to restore.
> That's all for now, but in the meantime, I would like to know about any and
> all MG clubs (NJ area) and stuff, 'cause I want to join one or two and
> really get back into a "lost love".
> Hopefully, (because of a prior comitment) I'll be able to make it to the
> Clinton Red Mill BritCar event on Sunday the 7th... I had almost bought a
> TR3, but what he thought was a great car was somewhat exaggerated...
> ahem... so I was lurking about in the Triumph list for a few weeks, and
> made an acquaintence or two who will be there.
> Does Rich Miller post here?  He is the contact for the Clinton event.  If
> you're around Rich, I'd like to hear from you.  I have your phone number,
> but talking here would be great too.
> Cheers for now,
> Dave    <>

Hi Dave

Congratulations on your new purchase - Im sure you will have much more
fun in the A then you ever would have in the TR3.

Richard Miller does not frequent this list - BTW I hope you have
preregistered for the Red Mill Show as it is completley sold out.

I wouldn't be there this year as I will be attending the Eastern NY MGA
Club/Brits On the Hudson combined show in Newburgh New York on that
Sunday - even though Clinton is only 10 mins from my house.

Clubs in New Jersey = If in Northern or Central Jersey then the Central
Jersey MG Car Club is the club for you - if you are far enuf west like
me you might consider the Keystone Region MG Car Club and as a new A
owner you might also consider joining the Eastern NY MGA Club - or hell
Join all three like me.



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