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Re: MG Radio

To: "MG digest submit" <>, <>
Subject: Re: MG Radio
From: Philip Raby <>
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 1999 11:06:08 +0000
>Say with new cars there is usaly a line of accesorys wich one can order
>that have been customized to suit the look of the car, so for the listers
>in the UK is there a specal radio/casset/CD player for the MGF with any
>kind of markings that Identfy it as a MG? I would love to drop one in my B.


Yes, the MGF comes with an MG-badged radio/cassette (CD player is 
optional). Sadly, it'd be no good in the US for two reasons.

First, US radio stations don't support RDS (radio data system) which 
gives auto-tuning, station ID and traffic reports.

Second, US FM station frequencies use 'odd' numbers (eg. 102.5) whereas 
UK ones use 'even' numbers (eg. 102.6): This means that the radio can 
never be exactly tuned to the station - I've come across this problem on 
a new VW Beetle imported from the US to the UK.

Oh well, nice idea anyway ;-)


Philip Raby
Editor, MG World, PO Box 163, Bicester OX6 3YS, UK
Tel: 01869 340061 Fax: 01869 340063 Mobile 0467 767361

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