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Re: Original Equipment Radios NOW Requirement to Post to List

To: Charles Hill <>
Subject: Re: Original Equipment Radios NOW Requirement to Post to List
From: Robert Alan Reisse <>
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 1999 14:49:24 -0400
I am really opposed to deleting the orginal message as long as one is reply
to a direct inquiry.  It certainly makes it simplier to save one message
then to try and scan back through the messages to find the orginal question?  

If the new response could be inserted at the start of the message than I
see no problem.  It is not like these messages are massive documents that
we can not afford a few extra bytes to keep things together.

I also appreciate those that take the time to insert their comments with in
the orginal set of questions.

Bob Reisse
76 MGB
NAMGBR 8-3559
69 MGC-GT coming together.

At 11:40 PM 4/11/99 -0500, Charles Hill wrote:
>The biggest improvement I can see for the list would be for the
>participants to turn of the "quote previous message" option on their
>email software.  This would save a lot of reading time and bandwidth.  I
>get the list in digest form and can count on seeing the same message
>quoted several times.  And when you get reply to reply to reply quoted
>on top of that....There is no need.  Everyone has read the original
>message.  If for some tecnical reason they didn't get the first message,
>they can always ask.  I think this would about the only change I would
>want to make.  So long as it is MG oriented, that's fine with me. If its
>something that doesn't interest me, I can skip it.
>Charles Hill

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