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Re: Filling a transmission...what kind of container?

Subject: Re: Filling a transmission...what kind of container?
From: Bob Howard <>
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 08:01:57 EDT
  The original design was to fill at the top, well forward in the
footwell.  It's ok for one to do at home, but the professionals didn't
like that it was such a job to reach and the possibility of an oil spill
on the carpets was so great. This side-fill design was probably less
expensive to manufacture too, since it needs just a tapped hole and plug,
vs a port in the tunnel, a cover, a hole in the gearbox and a dipstick
with a gasket.
  Since the pros use a pump device to move their oil, this side fill,
underneath, fill rig is easier for them to access while they are under
the car greasing it at the same time. Another advantage is that
overfilling results in the excess oil flowing back out the hole.
  So, to fill there oneself--a small drill-driven pump is handy to move
it, or, #2,  a  long tube that reaches up beside the car, equipped with a
funnel, into which one pours the oil, then waits and waits for it to move
(keep the oil inside the house for a day so it's warm and fluid).

On Sun, 18 Apr 1999 09:46:49 -0400 Bill Saidel <>
>OK, I have some rudimentary engineering background and trying to fill 
>tranny of a '76B through the side hole from below is a p***-poor 
>design. I
>guess the electronics wizards designed it.
>Anyway, I made a squeeze bottle with a tube, but the problem is 5 
>pints at
>1/4th pint per squeeze. That might seem like only 20 squeezes but each
>squeeze event took 5-10 minutes because of the inlet tube. I know, 
>make the
>tube bigger, but then since the squeeze bottle is limited as well, a 
>and different problem arises.
>So, does anyone have a really simple design for a device for refilling 
>BTW, I could not find the 'top' port through the floor so I guess that
>might help in some way, but how?
>Bill with the tired hands
>Dr. Bill Saidel 
>Assoc. Prof.                     Vocal phone   (609) 225-6336
>Department of Biology            FAX  (609) 225-6312
>Science Building                 email:
>315 Penn St.
>Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
>Camden, NJ 08102 -1411
>"Between the approximation of the idea and the precision
>of reality, there is a small gap of the unimaginable."
>Milan Kundera - "The Unbearable Lightness of Being"

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