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Re: Reliability

To: Don Walton <>
Subject: Re: Reliability
From: Matt Pringle <>
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 15:00:06 -0400
Hmm reliable... any thing from the land of the rising sun.

Personality....hmmmm how does a 240hp, DOHC 2000cc 8900 redline 11:1 4
cylinder with a 6-speed, driving a 2800lb roadster with independent
suspension and disk brakes at all 4 corners hit you?

Oh yeah and the S2000 comes with a/c standard.

Don Walton wrote:
> I was wondering what people on the list think is a reliable car besides
> LBC's.  I think my B's are the most reliable vehicles I have ever owned and
> I ame sure that it is because of their simplicity and the upkeep which I do.
> Anyway, I am going to sell my Suburban gas drinker and I will have to get
> another vehicle. Unfortunatly, the SO will not go for the A which I would
> like to have, got to have a/c here in the sunny south, so any ideas?  I
> think most 90's era cars have no personality and all look the same but I
> gotta do something......
>                                 Don Walton
>                                 73 74 77 B's

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