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Re: Namgbr representation

Subject: Re: Namgbr representation
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1999 01:59:43 EST writes:

> I thank you for your perceptions and feedback. What I need to know is have 
YOU ever >submitted  materials to the editor for publication in an effort to 
turn this thing around? 

This isn't about articles in the newsletter, it's about attitude and vision. 
(and yes, we submit our newsletters and event dates to the Driver)

>NAMGBR members Officers and Coordinators are all voluntaries who recieve 
nothing in the >way of payment for the  many hours they donate to MG 
community. We pay our own way to >and from events and also pay all  entry 
fees to shows we attend. Heck, I just sent in my dues, >we get nothing for 

  I am newsletter editor for my club and do many other things for it, I get 
nothing for them for free either. And they don't pay my NAMGBR dues 
either.That is not the point here. 

>It is  unrealistic to ask us to travel many hundreds and in some
>cases a few thounsand miles to  represent the organization. The way I see it 
is, if you are >there and you are a member of  NAMGBR, YOU ARE a representive 
of the club. 

 It's unrealistic of you to think that anyone on the west coast will give a 
rat's behind about being a representitive of a club they feel doesn't respond 
to or represent them. There's never been promotional packages offered, little 
tip sheets for how to sell folks on the club, or enough regional activities 
that are promoted by NAMGBR to even get you on the radar screen.
And talk about representing the organization... do you think I'm going to 
drive to Jersey or hop a jet to DC to go to a national meet or an AGM?
 Why is it, do you think, that most of the candidates for office run 
Who, especially out here 2000+ miles away from your typical annual event, 
wants the obligation of having to be there? 
How does one from out here get to be known well enough by the membership to 
get elected?
No wonder almost all of the officers and coordinators are from a 500 mile 
circle. AND they all seem to know each other. How convenient.

I'm not suggesting every club executive be out here for our events.  I am sugg
esting you have a huge problem with image and representation out here that 
likely can't be cured unless NAMGBR takes some fairly drastic steps. Steps 
like a regional council sub-grouped within the club, so representation, major 
events, and  club support could happen on more of a local level. You need to 
do this in the southwest as well, and likely in the "near west". Otherwise, 
you will always be seen as a 500 mile radius club that puts out a nice 
>As Membership Coordinator I gladly send information 
 >literature / membership forms to clubs requesting them for use as 
registration envelope >stuffers at events. I'll even send Free One Year 
Membership Certificates for use as door >prizes. There's  one 
have to ask me for them.

First I've heard of this being offered, and I've been in NAMGBR for several 
years now. Nary a mention in the Driver of this... so answer me why... and 
how long has this been available?

 >We work hard to make the NAMGBR the best it can be. 

Glad to hear it, and perhaps you do! My perception is that not everyone cares 
nearly as much as this, beyond nuturing their little clique and power circle.

 >GOOD NEWS: Starting in the next MGB Driver there will be a new feature 
series starting. In >each  issue two Affilated Local Club Chapters will be 
featured. We will be notifying the chapters  several months prior to the 
deadline of the issue we wish to feature them in and at that point  to ball 
will be in their court. I personally have spearheaded this feature and am 
real excited  to have MG Car Club - Long Island Centre as one of the first 
two clubs in this series. The  other, you'll be happy to learn, will be a 
California based club.
  >Bottomline: You want to see more about west of Rockies happenings...make 
 >noise and we'll  listen and respond. 

I've made noise. Others have made noise, and Ron's made noise, and a lot of 
it. And gone unheard. I went to the trouble to write a letter regarding this 
to the board last year for the AGM, presented through Ron. 

>MGB Driver is only as good as the materials it's membership provides. Help 
> us make this organization what you want it to be.
Let's not confuse the Driver with the Club. The Driver is pretty decent. It's 
that vision thing again, you can't seem to be able physically or 
philosophically to see west of the Mississippi.
  I fear you are still missing the point. Without more diversified 
organization and regionalization, the club will remain remarkably irrelevant 
in the west, west coast and southwest. There's THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of Bs 
out here. The only national club 95% of them know of is the AAA club. You 
should be profoundly troubled that you only have 150 members in California, 
not proud of it. It's nice to put this on our backs, but it's awful tough to 
try to sell something no one can see.

Until the leadership on NAMGBR gets more creative about trying to become 
visible out here the situation will never change.

 >>Thanks again and Safety Fast, David Deutsch        
Thanks for at least bothering to respond.
 Ignore this issue to the clubs ultimate peril.

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