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Re: Front Spoiler

Subject: Re: Front Spoiler
From: Eric <>
Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2000 01:06:21 +0000
Just a quick one in response to all the replies (on and off list) to my
queries about availability, etc. of a front spoiler for my '68'B.

Thanks to all who replied... as the big stars say, I read all the mail
but I couldn't respond personally to each one (they are working me too
hard these days and I have to take all the overtime I can get to pay for
racing the 'B).

Great list, huh?  I even got pointed to a local guy just up the road
from me here in South Australia (there are only two - now - others on
the list from this part of the world - and of course it wasn't one of
them who put me onto the local contact who I will be seeing tomorrow) -
thanks Barrie Robinson!

You wouldn't believe what I have to do in return for this good advice
though.... but that is another story that may never get told :-)

Sorry Barry :-)


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