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Re: Stupid Driver Wiper Problem

Subject: Re: Stupid Driver Wiper Problem
From: Lieb David B <>
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2001 12:42:04 -0600
I think I disagree with you on that, Robert. I don't think that the attempt to 
use the wipers when the wiper blades were immobilized would tend to damage the 
park switch. I would lean towards an explanation that a gear has either 
stripped a couple of teeth off or skipped a couple of teeth over from its 
intended timing, most likely in the wheelboxes. As long as it appears to go 
through a reasonable arc and perform a park albeit in a non-standard position, 
I would tend to think that the cable skipped teeth in the wheelboxes. Easiest 
fix might be to pull the wiper arms and reinstall them in accord with the 
current parked position. It would certainly be easier than pulling the 
wheelboxes. Of course the chances are that this would be a glorious opportunity 
to tear down the wiper system for routine maintenance which is probably as 
overdue as mine is.

David Lieb

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