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RE: MGA Found!

To: "'Dave'" <>, "'MG Digest'" <>
Subject: RE: MGA Found!
From: "Larry Hoy" <>
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 22:51:29 -0600
Dave, and all other listers for that matter, a good resource for MG
information can be found on Barney Gaylord's web site:

Take a trip to his site.  I'm sure he has answered your question on his
web site.  Right Barney?

Larry Hoy

>-----Original Message-----
>Subject: MGA Found!
>Hi Everyone:
>Soliciting help again!  My friend has just run across a 1960 MGA 1600
that  is in a garage that has not  run for 4 years.  
>Question is what is the proper sequence to see if we can get it started
after sitting so long?  What protective 
>measures should we take before starting?  Any help would be
>Dave Ciaccio

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