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RE: Fuel Gauge is Toast?

Subject: RE: Fuel Gauge is Toast?
Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2001 02:32:50 -0400
Testing the gauge is quite simple.
This method I used several times and worked, although beware not to have the
ground connected longer than 10 seconds!

1       Take the sender lead and connect it to ground.
2       Switch on your contact and observe the gauge movement.
        It should move to max. DO NOT prolonge this situation longer than 10
        otherwise the gauge will be toast.
3       If your gauge still does not move I assume it is defect.
4       This method might force the gauge needle to come free.

Hope it helps....



-----Original Message-----
From: Dave []
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 5:17 AM
To: MG Digest
Subject: Fuel Gauge is Toast?

Help time again!  The fuel gauge one of my '74 B's decided to stop
working. Gauge is stuck at the half way point.  I cleaned and checked
all connections at both the sender unit and gauge itself.  All ok.  I
then decided to go ahead and replace the sender unit.  Still the same.
Would all of you say the next step is the gauge itself?  Or could it be
the voltage stabilizer?  I checked the ohms at the gauge with the
ignition on.  Couldn't quite get a reading since the ohm meter was
jumping all over the least it tells me I have power there.
All advice appreciated!

Dave Ciaccio

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