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Re: Air conditioner parts needed

Subject: Re: Air conditioner parts needed
From: Chad Cooper <>
Date: Thu, 22 May 2003 16:57:29 -0700
The shop you want is Automotive Specialties, The guy you want is Art Ziesk

3235 Merrifield Ave.
Dallas TX, 75223

Ph.  214-827-1130

He is a helluva guy and a member of TMGR.

You could mention my name but it might have the opposite effect as Art was at 
the end of some practical jokes at our last gathering....I helped.

Chad Cooper wrote:
> Scott,
> This isn't going to be very helpful, but maybe it will jog someone else's 
> memory.   There was a guy in the Dallas area who developed and and was 
> selling AC parts for MGs including the compressor bracket to mount the 
> modern Sanden compressor.   Unfortunately, I looked through my archive and 
> I can't find his information now.   Anyone else know of this outfit?  I 
> may have it somewhere at home in hard copy.  If I find it, I'll post it. 
> Greg Hutmacher
> Denton, TX
> Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 06:33:14 -0500
> From: "Scott Bradney" <>
> Subject: Air conditioner parts needed
> I was wondering if someone could help me locate some parts.  I am 
> installing 
> a dealer-installed air conditioner with a Sander 505 (SD-5) compressor on 
> a 
> 1980 MGB.  I would like to know if anyone has, or knows where I might be 
> able to obtain the mounting bracket for the compressor and the ones for 
> the 
> alternator.  If you have a set but do not want to part with them, I would 
> be 
> happy to pay you for a tracing of them so that a machine shop can 
> duplicate 
> them for me from the tracings.  Any information that you can provide would 
> be helpful.

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