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Re: Headlight Question

Subject: Re: Headlight Question
From: "David Breneman" <>
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2003 14:52:09 -0800 (PST)
Paul M. SEZ -
> I mean, what the %^$#! is going on here?  Can't I just
> decide for my own ^&*%$ing self when I should have my
> own ^&%$#ing lights on?  And in what combination? 
> Have we determined that we are SO STUPID as a society
> that we can no longer be trusted to make even the
> simplest decisions?  If so, when did this happen? 
> What makes us so much less capable now than we
> apparently were just a generation ago?

Remember two points:

1) Most rules governing vehicles are regulations, not laws.  They
   are written by bureaucrats who will lose their jobs if there are
   no more regulations to write.  So we always "need" more

2) Most of the people who run these bureaucracies ride to work in
   limosines.  Some of them don't even have driver's licenses.  In
   their elitist minds, just the concept of ordinary "consumers"
   even owning cars at all is scary.

Thankgawd cars were invented 100 years ago.  If they were invented
today they'd be illegal.

David Breneman                     

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