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Re: Another weird electrical tale for the Lucas Electrical

Subject: Re: Another weird electrical tale for the Lucas Electrical
From: Charles & Peggy Robinson <>
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2004 09:08:59 -0600
  Speaking of fuse blocks:

   I just got done replacing the "Lighting Switch" (that's 
head/park/tail/license lights) in my '69B.  A DPO had cobbled in a 
heater switch, so I had no separate parking lights.  The wires were 
combined onto one terminal, so I had to separate the wires and put new 
terminals on them.  Well, I got that done and I fired her up to charge 
the battery a bit and check all the lights.  Hmm, no instruments, no 
brake lights, now what the....

   So after hours of tracing the wiring diagram, highlighting ckts with 
colored pencils, and looking for voltage with my DVM, I finally came to 
the fuse block.  The fuse that feeds the green ckts wasn't making good 
contact.  Grrrr....  So I burnished the fuse holder and fuse and 
everything worked.

   That's the third time in the last year that I've had trouble because 
of corroded connections at the fuse holder.  Notably the time I chased 
an intermittent horn prob. Time to break down and replace it.

   Jay, does the replacement fuse holder seem to be good quality?  Moss 


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