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Re: Ethanol in the Gas

To: MG List <>
Subject: Re: Ethanol in the Gas
From: Blake Urban <>
Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2006 00:20:08 -0500
I think that is MTBF. What state are you in? I believe only CA was using
that, but most states have been using some amount of ethanol for quite
time, due to successful lobbying by the corn interests.

Any state or area with high pollution was required to have an oxgenate
whether MTBE or alcohol. Besides California, I know Denver needed it,
Perhaps Chicago or all of Illinois, etc.

If you were an oil company would you lobby for MTBE which you produced,
or alcohol produced by the ag industry?  That's a no brainer. AS you
can't control the production, price, etc., of alcohol, you're going to
use MTBE which YOU (the oil company) manufactures.

And don't think the oil companies don't lobby either?  It's just there
are only six of them with billions of dollars against many smaller
ethanol plants whose individual net profits might not exceed a a 1/4 or
1/2 million dollars.

Alcohol can be produced from any organic material, not just corn. I
believe Brazil makes most of theirs from sugar cane!  It's just that
corn is the cheapest material right now. 50 years ago, it wouldn't have
been.  Then it would most likely have been sugar beets.


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