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[Mgs] MGA Rebuild

Subject: [Mgs] MGA Rebuild
From: barneymg at (Barney Gaylord)
Date: Sat, 07 Jan 2012 15:55:02 -0600
This is a test posting, but if it goes through I may need some help 
negotiating with the list server.  I have been trying on and off for 
five days to post a reply to the message with this subject line.  The 
messages seem to send okay, and I do not get any bounce message, but 
the messages do not echo back on the mailing list.  I have been 
getting other messages from the list.

I have tried everything I can think of.  I checked with to be sure I was still subscribed.  I even 
unsubscribed and re-subscribed, and it still doesn't work.  If this 
message makes it through I will be (pleasantly) surprised.  And if 
so, then I may need to ask why this message makes it while others do not.

Barney Gaylord
1958 MGA with an attitude

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