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Rear Axle part two

To: "" <Morgans@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Rear Axle part two
From: Bob Nogueira <>
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 97 22:26:21 -0500
-- [ From: Bob Nogueira * EMC.Ver #3.1a ] --

Don't you just hate it when you go to the local  rear axle brass button shop
and  have to wait in line to get the button and find out your at the metric
brass button counter and have to go downstairs to the SAE counter and wait
in line again,  Anyway I got the brass button for the axle  from McMurray
Rear Axle Barss Button Supply  Inc* and it appears to solve the problem . 
Now  on to the next  problem

I forgot the order of disassembly of the wheel bearing area.  Is it :
 Shims,  bearing retainer plate,  gasket , spacer, gasket , outer seal ,
backing plate
Shims ,bearing retainer plate, gasket ,Spacer, gasket, backing plate, seal 
Couch's catalog  shows 
 shims, gasket, inner plate ( bearing retainer) gasket.. outer plate (spacer
)  seal
he doesn't show  the brake backing plate.

This would  seem wrong to me since the gasket  is between the plate and
shims and would thus be a shim itself. I would think a gasket would make a 
poor shim.

Anyone got any thoughts on the matter   

Bob Nogueira    
A brass button was supplied to the writer by McMurray Brass Button Supply
Inc for promotional consideration.


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