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Re: Morgan air cleaners

To: "" <>,
Subject: Re: Morgan air cleaners
From: Bob Nogueira <>
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 98 23:35:27 -0500
-- [ From: Bob Nogueira * EMC.Ver #3.1a ] --

    Morgan more than covered the bases on this issue. In the owners manual
they refer to the Carb as "Dustless".   What ????? you don't accept just
calling a Carb Dustless as enough protection ?   Well for those of us who
lack faith in the power of words Morgan also offered a air cleaner as a
option ( Yes those lacking faith always have to pay extra ).  The air
cleaner is a metal wedge shaped box which  bolts the Carbs and carries the
filter element on the back end. Yes, it is a tight fit  but it can be made
to fit ( those lacking faith also have to work harder ).   I  borrowed one
and made a copy .  The only  problem  I had was that,  making it myself  and
having to tell people I made it,  I couldn't  make it as crude as the
factory did.  I believe some of the Morgan suppliers stock repros  ( I'm not
saying which  because  I don't have a financial interest in any of them and
none have offered me any promotional consideration )  
If your handy with sheet metal somewhere in "the garage with more parts than
any one man should have*" I have a scale drawing that I can send you .

Bob Nogueira   ( Pardon the attitude but 10 weeks without a running Morgan
is starting to take its toll )  

*PS: to the list  : someone was looking for a spare Moss box.I lost the
message.  If that person has not found one yet contact me . I'm not making
any promises but I maybe able to help ! 
-------- REPLY, Original message follows --------

> Date: Tuesday, 16-Jun-98 11:23 PM
> From:           \ America Online: (HOOGLY)
> To:   MORGANS                  \ Internet:    (
> Subject: Morgan air cleaners
> I have a 65 +4 with Stromberg carbs and no air cleaners - just the way
> came from the factory.  A number of people have told me I'm crazy to run
> without air cleaners and I think they are right, but we all know there is
> little or no space for them on a +4.   Is there anyone out there who has
> this problem without major re engineering.  Thanks

-------- REPLY, End of original message --------

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