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Re: '64 plus4

To: "" <>
Subject: Re: '64 plus4
From: Bob Nogueira <>
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 99 08:07:48 -0500
-- [ From: Bob Nogueira * EMC.Ver #3.1a ] --

If I may provide a little Stromberg history here. 
The actual design of the Stromberg CD carb was started by Triumph who was
paying BMC SU  division a very high price for SU carbs.
They were having a problem  developing the carb and not infringing on SU
patients.  With a change of management at Triumph the CD project  was sold
to Stromberg  to complete with a promise of a market if they got it to work.

After Stromberg managed to get a workable CD carb, Triumph lived up to its
end and started using Strombergs. This great plan was somewhat derailed when
BMC and Triumph merged and SU became a sister company of Triumph.  At that
point Triumph tried to make harmony  in the family by using both Stromberg
and SU on engines.
I've had Strombergs and SU and each has advantages and disadvantages with 
little or no difference in performance .
Morgan used what ever came in on the truck that week.

Bob Nogueira 

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