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RE: auto painting, compressors,

To: "'spridgets@autox.team.net'" <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: auto painting, compressors,
From: "Hanna, Mark" <mhanna@ball.com>
Date: Sat, 1 May 1999 02:37:01 -0600
Reply-to: "Hanna, Mark" <mhanna@ball.com>
Sender: owner-spridgets@autox.team.net

> Toby,
          I have painted   in the past with lacquer  and had good results at
home in my garage .
        Enamel is definitely more difficult to get similar results . Modern
base coat /  clear coat   (the British call it two pack)   paint systems
blow away the old paint types . However these paints are generally not
suitable to apply at home . It's poison and needs to be applied in a NASA
clean room like environment . My plan is to do all of my own disassembly ,
paint stripping , welding , body work , metal prep , etch primering , High
build primmer application , guide coat , board sanding , masking ,and
anything else that I can do before giving it to the professional guy who
does an awesome  job of applying the final colour coat. Modern painting is
called a system . I've talked with my painter  extensively as to the types
of various products that I will use . They should all be part of the same
(compatible) system . This approach is still a lot of work (satisfaction) on
my part , but will save me a lot of $$$ , and will have a high probability
of success . Good luck , and keep us posted ,
         Mark Hanna

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