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Re: [Tigers] Door and trunk locks

To: Lynn Wall <cars@wt-inc.com>
Subject: Re: [Tigers] Door and trunk locks
From: Tony Somebody <achd73@yahoo.com>
Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2008 13:57:08 -0700 (PDT)
Anyone now thinking about taking your locks apart etc. there are a couple items 
of interest. One is that its nice to have some old locks from a parts car and 
next the main reason for two keys is that the original keys, if not cut and 
still in blank form are a direct opposite on the grove side. The ignition key 
has a cut the length of the key at the bottom that allows the key to slide on a 
small lug made at the beginning of the cylinder and the trunk key has the same 
grove cut in the blank on the other side. Most replacement keys sold in the 
early 70s until they started becoming hard to find had a grove on both sides, 
which made the blank useable for any locks on the car. Its strange that of all 
the Tiger and Alpine keys I have that several will work on the ignition while 
its hard to get the original to work on the trunk. Lack of lubrication being 
the main reason I think but maybe the ignition cylinder is used so many more 
times in comparison that "wear"
 is why the ignition will turn with a set of finger nail clips(the file part).
  My point is to take the small lug into consideration. I'm sure it can be 
filed off or perhaps having extra locks will leave you with all alike 
cylinders. Cheers, TonytheTiger

> Anybody have this tech tip?
> I would love to do this
> Lynn
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