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Re: LBC mechanics

To: trsix74@comcast.net
Subject: Re: LBC mechanics
From: SamuelsMA@aol.com
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2002 09:12:25 EST
In a message dated 11/24/02 8:31:26 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
trsix74@comcast.net writes:

> I work part time for a LBC shop. I listen every Friday afternoon and
> Saturday mornings to my boss (Owner and Operator) about the people that
> bring their cars in and spend the a good hour yakking about all sorts of
> things, mostly asking for advice, about beefing up this, that or the other.
> So now the solo mechanic has been pulled away from doing any repair work on
> the cars that are piling up. Then the multitude of phone calls to discuss
> trivial matters or inquiries into "How far are you?" Think of this: Your
> under the car. Your doing a job that needs setting something up. You start.
> The phone rings. You stop. Wipe your hands. Answer the phone. Its that guy
> again asking about "how far are you on my car". Not to be impolite, the
> response is not what you would like to say. Finally, farewells are made, 
> and
> you put the phone down. In absolutely no mood to proceed on the job at 
> hand,
> because you have just spent the last hour being pissed off at someone that
> has wasted your time. What some people don't understand is that time is
> money and every phone call is costing money. I have never seen on any 
> repair
> bill going out, a line item for wasted time: 5 hours at $47.00 per hour!
> And my part of this: my boss has a week of this building up. So when I get
> in to work on Friday afternoon, I get to here it all, as he vents. And now
> my time is wasted at $7.00 per hour. I know that this didn't answer your
> question, but boy do I feel better now. Thanks for letting me vent!
> Robert L. Gannon
> trsix74@comcast.net
> TR6   1974 CF22956U
> TR3A 1960 TS70951L
> http://hometown.aol.com/twodzusfittings/myhomepage/auto.html

I think your point is well-taken, and I'm glad you too are gaining solace 
from our mutual venting.  With regard to phone calls, however, I have 2 
comments.  The first is that, without them, my car would be relegated to the 
back of the shop permanently.  The mechanic doesn't even touch the car until 
I begin calling 7-10 days into the process.  The second point is that he has 
a secretary who answers the phone.  I actually just leave messages with her, 
and he returns the calls once in a while at his convenience.  I can assure 
you that it is much easier for him to interrupt me, a doctor with a busy 
practice, than it is for me to interrupt him.

Michael Samuels
'70 TR6 

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