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Re: DSMs legality (was The Ultimate I-Class)

To: "Mr. DSM" <>
Subject: Re: DSMs legality (was The Ultimate I-Class)
From: Paul Foster <>
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 14:49:52 -0400
"Mr. DSM" wrote:
> I have to agree with you about raining and DSMs (or probably any AWD car).


> About attitude, you check what I wrote above, and the way you write about
> turbo cars. Since you drive turbo car, that should affect you as well, and I
> would suggest that you think about the whole thing and try to make a better
> solution for all of us instead of just labeling them illegal if fast.

I think ignoring the issue is worse. What we really need are easy ways
to ascertain the legality. I suggested to PCA they use the $50 dyno
software you can buy on the internet that works off the impulses from
one spark plug. They are not that accurate (I believe around 2% error),
but they should give a rough idea which cars to inspect. The same holds
true for NA cars.

Paul Foster

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