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Re: What's Spam?

To: "Glenn Duensing" <>,
Subject: Re: What's Spam?
From: "Dave Whitworth" <>
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2000 20:34:29 -0500
Let's get this one going again just for the heck of it...

It would seem to me that either you allow commercial advertisement or you
don't.  How do you define what is slightly acceptable?  Just because it is
acceptable to you, is it to me?

Is it OK for Jean to advertise because we all know her, but not for Mr. X
because we've never heard of them?

How about the person on here who advertises a book and the UN in their sig.
line?  Is that commercial?  Or are non-for profits OK?

If I'm not mistaken, there are some autocross clubs that are private
companies that advertise their events on here, is that commercial?

If you are not going to allow commercial advertising, then all of the above
has to go.  And anything like it.  Period, the end.  No more signature
lines, nothing.

I read the guideleines as exactly that, guidelines.  There are no hard and
fast rules in there, IMO.  Just suggestions to keep it under control.  The
only person who can decide what is allowed/disallowed on this list is the
owner.  The rest of us can just bitch at each other about, but not really do
anything about it!  Of course discussion makes the world go around.

My opinion is that Jean's posts are just fine.  So are everybody else's.  If
i'm not interested, I delete, not complain.

Off to put the nomex on....


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