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Re: Last posting to for Evolution

To: "Madurski, Ronald M." <>
Subject: Re: Last posting to for Evolution
From: Mark Sirota <>
Date: Mon, 09 Oct 2000 15:01:03 -0400
"Madurski, Ronald M." wrote:
>>> Mark is the final judge. And since he hasn't weighed in, we're only
>>> left with the guidelines posted before. I don't find those
>>> guidelines draconian.
>> Last time I had an e-mail conversation (e-versation?) with Mark it
>> had been several weeks since he had even looked at the list
>> contents.  He may or may not have seen any of this.  Has anyone
>> talked (or e-mailed) with him on the subject?

I have.  He hasn't been reading.  He suggests that he may try to catch
up and weigh in with an opinion this week sometime.


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