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Re: Fire check

To: Gary Thomason <>
Subject: Re: Fire check
From: Bill Sanford <>
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2003 00:03:40 -0800
Heard earlier tonite that the Purcells home is ok at this time.  If 
anyone has heard from
the Taylors or the Beckers, please speak up.
 Many Thanks to the out of towners mailing privately to wish So. Cal. well.

Gary Thomason wrote:

>I just talked to Scott Baker who reports his house is fine. Fire was
>stopped across the street from him. How about the Beckers?
>Carol Schwartz wrote:
>>And we heard second hand that the Houghtons house is still
>>there - the shed in the back is now an aluminum river
>>running down the driveway.  The heat melted the solder
>>welds and their copper pipes are leaking, but I think
>>they can deal with that.  And the sheep are ok!
>>--- Bill Sanford <> wrote:
>>>Kim, thanks for the update.. again, for those of you that remember,
>>>a email to Mark Caggiano and I heard back that he's in town for a
>>>few days.
>>>I hope to see him.
>>>Hope everyone is as good as they can be,
>>>Kim Chan wrote:
>>>>Dan and Keli did in fact loose their house. I spoke with Jim last
>>>>night...Dan saw it go. As of last night our house is still in
>>>>Our next door neighbor had been able to get be to their house for
>>>>a while and said our immediate neighborhood was ok.
>>>>There are several others that I'm not sure of their homes - Larry
>>>>Houghton, J&J Becker, Scott Baker (Scott is staying with someone
>>>in Pt
>>>>Loma), Purcell's, Taylor's, and for those of you who remember
>>>>Clayton and Robin Henry probably lost thier house as well.
>>>>We're staying at Jennifer Hayes and awaiting the word to get back
>>>>home. I hope all is well with everyone. It is so touching to know
>>>>many people think of you when tragedy hits so close to you. Todd
>>>>Cameron has been our hero. In a total string of circumstances,
>>>>evacuated our house while we were out of town. We'll tell the
>>>>complete story later, but he got out what was important to us.
>>>>Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers, and we will all
>>>>through this, and we will all be there for everyone that needs

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