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Re: Fire check

To: Gary Thomason <>
Subject: Re: Fire check
From: Bill Sanford <>
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2003 17:32:02 -0800
I spoke with Dan tonite as he was leaving their house.  They came this 
morning to find it smoldering
in the wall. another 1/2 day unattended and it may have been charcoal. 
The good news is
there is no fuel(plants) for the fire to return!
  No word of the Beckers here, though I did hear 50 homes lost in Crest. 
 Thats a good bit of Crest!
Any thing  of the Taylors or Purcells?


Gary Thomason wrote:

>I just talked to Scott Baker who reports his house is fine. Fire was
>stopped across the street from him. How about the Beckers?
>Carol Schwartz wrote:
>>And we heard second hand that the Houghtons house is still
>>there - the shed in the back is now an aluminum river
>>running down the driveway.  The heat melted the solder
>>welds and their copper pipes are leaking, but I think
>>they can deal with that.  And the sheep are ok!
>>--- Bill Sanford <> wrote:
>>>Kim, thanks for the update.. again, for those of you that remember,
>>>a email to Mark Caggiano and I heard back that he's in town for a
>>>few days.
>>>I hope to see him.
>>>Hope everyone is as good as they can be,
>>>Kim Chan wrote:
>>>>Dan and Keli did in fact loose their house. I spoke with Jim last
>>>>night...Dan saw it go. As of last night our house is still in
>>>>Our next door neighbor had been able to get be to their house for
>>>>a while and said our immediate neighborhood was ok.
>>>>There are several others that I'm not sure of their homes - Larry
>>>>Houghton, J&J Becker, Scott Baker (Scott is staying with someone
>>>in Pt
>>>>Loma), Purcell's, Taylor's, and for those of you who remember
>>>>Clayton and Robin Henry probably lost thier house as well.
>>>>We're staying at Jennifer Hayes and awaiting the word to get back
>>>>home. I hope all is well with everyone. It is so touching to know
>>>>many people think of you when tragedy hits so close to you. Todd
>>>>Cameron has been our hero. In a total string of circumstances,
>>>>evacuated our house while we were out of town. We'll tell the
>>>>complete story later, but he got out what was important to us.
>>>>Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers, and we will all
>>>>through this, and we will all be there for everyone that needs

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