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Pylon for April 2005

To: "" <>,
Subject: Pylon for April 2005
From: John Kelly <>
Date: Thu, 5 May 2005 19:33:25 -0400
The April 2005 edition of North American Pylon went into the mail on
Thursday, April 26, 2005.

It's now on its way to subscribers. Some may already have received it.
This month we cover Atlanta's Pro Solo and National Tour;
        New England Region opens its '05 Season;
        CART brings great weather to Connecticut; Mark Daddio sets FTD;
        Fresno Chapter  runs in California rain;
        Ecurie Rapide brings 177 to Homestead, FL;
        Houston National Tour;
        Atlanta Pro Solo;
        Philly Region hosts chilly Summer #1;
        San Francisco Region;
        Arizona Region does 2 at Phoenix Int'l.
        Columns by Pat Kelly, on alleged diminishing Prepared classes'
        Editor Kelly writes about the self-staffed events across the U.S..
        Lorenzo the Scribe writes about Tim Suddard's annual challenge;
        D Modified driver Norm Beaver  opposes new D Mod rules;
        Warren Leveque claims Vintage is luring young drivers to racing.

Pylon is available at specialized news stands across the U.S. and by
To subscribe, send $24 to P.O. Box 1203, Pleasanton, CA 94566. 
or,  call 1-800-58-KELLY (during 9-5, M-F business hours) and charge the
$24 to your credit card.
Cost is US$27.50 for Canadian subscribers, either via plastic or Canadian
postal money order. 

Or, FAX your credita card number and your mailing address to
        1-925-0118. It operates 24/7.

--John Kelly, editor

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