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RE: SFR Calendar for 2001 is posted

Subject: RE: SFR Calendar for 2001 is posted
From: "Kelly, Katie" <>
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 11:53:21 -0800
Kevin Lahey writes...

>Given the choice between three runs on a slippery, unpleasant surface 
>and four plus runs on the nicer surface at Marina, I suspect I'm gonna >be
missing a few SCCA events next year.

I think what my dad is trying to say is, if you like running in Marina or
Sacramento, that's WONDERFUL. Go have fun.

But for every person who enjoys running in Marina and Sacramento (I'm on of
them), there are three, all SFR members, who prefer running in the Bay Area

What stinks for me is that if I want to support SFR's series, I have to run
on a surface that I just can't stand. So, I understand it's a tough choice.
But there are more people who really don't care, so there you go. I would
never expect SFR's schedule to change because of MY preferences, when it's
so clear what the majority wants.

Katie K.

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