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Re: MG Wiring queries

Subject: Re: MG Wiring queries
From: megatest!bldg2fs1! (Scott Fisher)
Date: Tue, 6 Jul 93 11:22:45 PDT
> Well I do not have the special tool & the seal & retainer won't seat into the 
> grove by finger pressure & I do not want to bugger it up.  Sooo... How does
> everyone else rebuild front calapers?

With much sworking.  I once offered to sell my race car for $50 rather
than keep doing the calipers.  So don't worry, it's frustrating for
everyone the first time.

What finally worked, I think, was a trio of C clamps around the
rim at 120-degree intervals, and you'd tighten them all the same
VERY SMALL amount.  Too much and you bend the retainer.  I think
I also put a flat piece of wood on (after removing the piston;
you only really need to put it in for alignment purposes) and
used the clamps to press it into place smoothly.

The real trick is to keep it moving STRAIGHT into the bore.  If
one side gets cocked, you get to take it out and start again.

You can also consider taking it to British & European and having
them use Special Factory Tool 27-stroke-J to install it...  But
that's no fun.

--Scott "Anybody who'd do that might as well buy a DATSUN" Fisher

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