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Re: South of the Border...was Re: 'M80's'

To: Susan Hensley <>,
Subject: Re: South of the Border...was Re: 'M80's'
From: jmwagner <>
Date: Fri, 04 Feb 2000 09:35:58 -0800
A little Triumph spin on this fireworks thread...

Around '85, I was in my second year in Dallas, Texas... a recession was hitting
Texas big-time and I lost my job...

Times were tough...  and there wasn't much money...

My best friend and I drove my Triumph TR 7 just a few miles out... into the next
county/city where fireworks were legal...

We bought the fireworks... with about $30.00... which was really all we had to 
names... and we just felt life had been so bad lately... that we wanted to treat
ourselves and have a little fun...  (We were living on Tacos from a place that 
'em at 4 for a dollar!)

We turned the car around for home.... fireworks in the trunk... drove 4
blocks...crossed the city line... and a bunch of cops pulled us over... They
confiscated our fireworks...  no paperwork... no ticket... just took the 
and put them in their trunk.   I know I had watery eyes... and when I looked at 
friend... he was swelled up equally...  It was really wrong... it was a sting
operation that probably just stocked the officer's home firework's displays...  
was the 4th of July...  it was simply unamerican to do that...    We hadn't set 
anything...  Who's to say we weren't crossing the border to have lunch?  It was 
wrong... and it didn't matter that we told the officers how much that 
meant to us...

I think I left Dallas a few months after that....  where St. Petersburg 
police pulled me over 3 times..... as I tried to cross their city in an old 
beat up
Mustang...  trying to get to Sarasota...  but that's another story... and 
belongs on
a FORD newsgroup...


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