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Re: [Healeys] Your tax dollars NOT working

To: sales@justbrits.com
Subject: Re: [Healeys] Your tax dollars NOT working
From: Alan Seigrist <healey.nut@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 5 Nov 2009 11:35:52 +0800
I never understood why you would take taxes from hardworking Americans and
then give it to a small handful of other Amercans to go and buy a new car?
It was the most retarded government program I have heard of yet.  By the
way, the real purpose of the program had nothing to do with the

The purpose of the program was to artificially boost US GDP in 2Q, which
then those figures were published a week ago, conveniently a week before the
interim elections in NY, VA and NJ to help sway opinions that the "stimulus"
package was working and theoretically boosted GDP in 2Q to a fantasy 3.5%
growth rate, in theory showing that the Democrats were really making things
better.  Most of Wall street had connected the dots already and discounted
the 2Q 3.5% GDP growth rate and tied it directly to the cash for clunkers,
not the Stimulus.

I guess the strategy didn't work very well, but I'm just furious that these
jerks on the Hill think it's ok  to use our tax money to try to sway
elections and buy votes, oh but I guess I should know better...


'52 A90
'53 BN1
'59 Jag Mk IX
'64 BJ8

On Thu, Nov 5, 2009 at 9:56 AM, Sales at " Just Brits " <sales@justbrits.com
> wrote:

> <sigh>  This is just UNREAL (car related but non LBC):
> Clunker program:
> http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091104/
> ap_on_bi_ge/us_cash_for_clunkers
> or
> *http://tinyurl.com/yljgbgw
> Ed
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