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Re: Blowing

To: "MG List" <>
Subject: Re: Blowing
From: Max Heim <>
Date: Mon, 3 May 1999 18:40:42 -0700 had this to say:

>hi all,
>     There is a picture in the Moss catalogue connected with a tilt engine 
>pulling assy. Hung from the trick tilt puller assy. is a neat MG-TD engine. 
>Why is it neat? Because it is a factory racing TD engine WITH an Eaton 
>installed! It looks real easy to do except for the carb the 
>of the supercharger body..
>yours, H4(Howard)
I just saw one of these in Monterey. Very tidy, I suspect it was a period 
installation due to all the funny looking little brass fittings, 
including an oiler for the bearing. Owner said it was good for 15% more 
power, not a lot but every little bit helps on a "T"....  : )


Max Heim
'66 MGB GHN3L76149
Runs great, 
looks particularly bad since some SUV clown backed into it.
If you're near Mountain View, CA,
it's the red one with the silver bootlid.

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