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Re: Sound Deadening

To: "Alford, James" <>,
Subject: Re: Sound Deadening
From: Rocky Frisco <>
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2002 17:22:59 -0600
When I rebuilt The Luggage, my Cooper S, with a brand new body and
subframes, I added the brown plastic sound deadening sheet to the
roof, doors, back seat back, firewall and floor. It's a bit heavier
than a standard Mini, but the engine is modified so I still have
plenty of power to spare. 

The material works really well. There is no sign of the normal "oil
drum" effect one associates with Minis and the doors shut with a
"shunk" sound, much like a Jag or Mercedes.

I have three different brands of material in the car; I bought
whatever the shops had in stock. It all appears to be the same
stuff. It comes with the adhesive already on one side.

Red Dirt Rangers (Rocky on piano):
JJ Cale Live (w/Rocky):
The Luggage Fan Club:

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