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Re: There's this book....

To: MG List <>
Subject: Re: There's this book....
From: "Martin C. Galan" <>
Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2005 08:11:58 -0800 (PST)
Another MGB basher is the pint sized Richard  Hammond fron the TV show Top 
Gear. In his book "What not to Drive", he  states that "The MGB was, in its 
day, an outdated piece of nostalgic  old junk." ... and ends with ... "The best 
thing, if you must have one,  is to buy one with a sunroof, put it at the 
bottom of the garden and  plant a tree in it."
  He lists the MGB, TR5, P5, and anything Morris as cars to avoid.
  MGB 65

"Paul T. Root" <> wrote:  I've read his website. It's often 
funny. Changes once a

Mostly, he hates everything. And he makes fun of it.

Kevin Smith wrote:

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