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RE: [oletrucks] transmission problems

To: "Schorn, Tim" <SchornT@ci.fort-worth.tx.us>
Subject: RE: [oletrucks] transmission problems
From: "Joe Clark" <jclark1@utk.edu>
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 08:54:04 -0400
I've been using straight 90 weight.  I'll try the synthetic oil.  If it 
works it sure beats having to pull that tranny again.

I tore into the one that was grinding in second this weekend.  
Looks like the front bushing on my counter gear has disintegrated.  
My guess is that, when I'm in second, there is pressure on the rear 
of the counter gear which causes the front to flop around.  
According to my shop manual, it should have bearings but mine 
has bushings.???  If the fluid doesn't work I may replace the 
counter gear with the one from my other tranny.  

Thanks for the tip and the response!  

Joe Clark
'50 3100 Deluxe
Knoxville, Tennessee
oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959

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