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Re: wheel size

To: bharris <harris88@rochester.infi.net>
Subject: Re: wheel size
From: Susan Hensley <susan@grotecon.com>
Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 09:56:03 -0500
bharris wrote:
> Friends,
>         Has anyone heard of using 14" wheels on a Spit?? I was told by a
> wheel dist. that they have sold 14" wheels for a Spitfire,but would feel
> better hearing from someone that has used them.

Hi Bob!

I haven't used them myself, but the SCCA Solo Rulebook shows that, at
least in D Prepared, a Spitfire can go to 14x6" wheels, so it looks like
someone has used them...

Hope this helps!

Keep Triumphing,
Susan Hensley   :)

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