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Re: ...colors

Subject: Re: ...colors
From: "Lee M. Daniels, Texas A&M University" <LMD1191@ACS.TAMU.EDU>
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 1995 12:10:27 -0500 (CDT)
>Always try to find the correct formula,
>there are still a lot of old paint books out there that will crossref
>Triumph colours to DuPont, etc. formulas.

The Moss catalog (for the TR6, at least) has DuPont and Ditzler(?) numbers 
cross-referenced for all of the TR6 colors.  I don't know how "true" they 
are, but the one I got seemed to be spot-on.

And speaking of the one I got, I happened to be using a dealer who didn't 
use DuPont *or* Ditzler, so we had to look up those numbers in his cross-
reference book to get the RM (BASF) number.  He also had a book containing 
a section for "Rover, Jaguar", and although not listed specifically, many 
of the Triumph and MG colors were listed there (having the exact same 
numbers as my TR6 chart.)

Lee M. Daniels   Laboratory for Molecular Structure and Bonding   Texas A&M            (409) 845-3726          Fax (409) 845-9351
 '74 TR6  '77 MGB

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