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Re: Rare Spit. Cyl. Hea

To: (Ross Vincente --TransAmer. Financial - Los Angeles),
Subject: Re: Rare Spit. Cyl. Hea
From: (Keith Bennett)
Date: 07 Nov 95 18:54:43 EST
References: <00E36E380203370C@-SMF->
     For what it's worth I can't find either of those numbers in the 
parts books I've got, although they don't list the rare 8 port mk1 head, 
and might not include all the US variations.

However, I had a look at the pictures of the 8 port head in the Robson 
'Spitfire and GT6' book, (page 54) and that only shows only 4 studs on 
the carb side of the head, instead of 6 as on a normal 1147 engine. 
Presumably there are still 5 on the spark plug side making it a 9 stud 

>..........was advised by several
>subscribers (thank you to all of you BTW), that "no" it is not
>because it has 11 bolts and the Mk. I and Mk II motors have 10

I think you might be getting mixed up here, the mk1&2 head has 11, the 
mk3 (1300) has 10.

Sorry to be the bringer of bad news but if it has 10 stud holes (5 each 
side) then it probably is a 1300 or maybe even a 1500 head.

Keith Bennett                      

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